What’s Your Elevator Speech About Chiropractic Care?

Posted on July 25, 2008. Filed under: chiropractic marketing, elevator speech | Tags: , , , |

What’s Your Elevator Speech?

Do you know what an elevator speech is? It’s what you tell people about yourself and your chiropractic practice in the 30-seconds you’re together in an elevator.

Specifically, your elevator speech should tell your captive audience:

  • Who you are (including your name, your chiropractic practice name)
  • What types of patients you serve
  • What services you provide (quick overview)
  • How patients benefit from your chiropractic care

Consider what your niche specialization is and how you position yourself when you develop your elevator speech. Here’s a sample 30-second speech:

“Hi, I’m Dr. Chuck Chiro. I’m the head of the Chiropractic Sports Injury Prevention Center. Our center helps young school athletes avoid injuries by showing them how to stretch, warm-up, and properly prepare for exercising. Unlike others in the sports field, we focus mostly on prevention of injury, not treatment. We want to take care of our young patients BEFORE damage occurs.“

Use the sample elevator speech to craft your 30-second practice blurb.

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Chiropractors: Lead a Chiropractic Specialty Institute

Posted on July 20, 2008. Filed under: Chiropractic Specialty Institute | Tags: , , , |

Lead a Chiropractic Specialty Institute

Developing your own chiropractic institute in the area of your expertise has enormous potential. This is one of my favorite ways to establish a professional practitioner as an expert. Create an institute. Make yourself the director or head of the institute.

I love this concept so much that I founded the Institute of Psycho-Osmology™ in conjunction with my alternative medicine business. The term I coined, psycho- osmology,” describes what the institute did. Of course, I made myself the medical director of my institute—a great way to build credibility and get known in the field.

Who else in your area is the head of a chiropractic specialty institute? It can be a lot of work and even take some money to develop your institute. But, it may be well worth it for your practice in terms of attracting professional referrals and generating other streams of income (from sales of information products developed by the institute, running seminars, etc.).

What’s your niche? Your specialty? What can you make the focus of your institute? Should you create a separate entity or re-focus your practice?

What can you do to get attention for your institute? Create a brochure and logo? Promote your institute in your practice newsletter?

There’s no guarantee that you’ll generate tons of referrals to “justify” your investment. But, if you think the potential benefits outweigh the costs, then go for it. Done properly, a chiropractic specialty institute can be a successful addition to your practice activities.

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A Powerful Chiropractic Tip: Get Your Chiropractic Assistant On Board

Posted on June 20, 2008. Filed under: chiropractic assistant | Tags: , , |

Get Your Chiropractic Assistant On Board

Are you planning to implement any major changes in your chiropractic practice? Do you want to leverage your chiropractic assistant?

Start by asking questions. Find out what special interests and abilities your chiropractic assistant possesses. Then, make use of these extra qualities. Is your C.A. a talented, enthusiastic speaker? Can your chiropractic assistant become more involved in running patient education classes in your office? What about giving talks in the community?

All too often we overlook the wonderful things that people around us are capable of doing. Don’t do that with your chiropractic assistant–or, the other members of your team.

Of course, you should involve your chiropractic assistant BEFORE you implement your new program. Match the requirements and tasks of the program to those special interests and abilities you’ve uncovered in your chiropractic assistant.

Win-Win. Your chiropractic assistant feels like an important part of your team and gets to take advantage of personal interests and skills. You get more from one of the major assets of your practice–your chiropractic assistant.

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